For this blog post, I decided to create a poster through Canva. A few of the multimedia learning principles can directly apply to the way I made and edited my poster.  The first being the Coherence Principle. I followed this principle by not adding extra details to the poster. The date and time were made very clear which made it less distracting and straightforward. As the Coherence Principle embodies, humans learn best when distracting materials are not included. The next principle which can relate to the making of my poster would be the Signaling Principle, which essentially means that we learn best when shown exactly what to pay attention to. This is evident in the poster making as I kept the information very clear so that you know exactly what to look at and how to take in the information.  The Spatial Contiguity Principle is also applicable to my poster as I kept the important information close together so that it’s easily read and understood by the viewer. All and all the creation of this poster was fun and easy to understand. I’m happy I now know of the website Canva and if I ever need a place to create a poster I know where to go.

Poster design (1)