For my updated multimedia learning object, I decided to revisit my sketchnoting assignment. I chose to redo this particular sketch as I believe the organization and clarity of my work could have been done better. To start I made the title and objective of my sketch more clear by filling in the letters, this made the entire sketch seem more professional. I wanted my sketch to be educational and precise so I decided to sketch out the steps written by the Government of Canada on how to wash your hands. This topic is particularly important in the age of the COVID19 pandemic and I thought a quick step-by-step sketchnote would be appropriate to complete.
While sketching out the information provided in the article I made sure to follow the Coherence Principle by only writing/drawing out the important information. Only including simple text and simple visuals that relate directly to my learning topic helps the overall flow of my information. I also presented the information in segments by writing out 5 steps to follow along with. This uses the Segmenting Principle as peoplelearn best when information is presented in segments, rather than one long continuous stream.
Overall I believe this sketchnote is much more straight forward and informative on what my chosen article is talking about.
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