I thoroughly enjoyed Beth’s review of the Ted Talk “How to come out at work, about anything | The Way We Work, a TED series”. I like the connection made from to video to the Personalization Principle and Voice principle as these are multimedia learning principles that I have not thought of using yet. I too agree that the dual coding theory is correctly used in the Ted Talk and definitely enhances the learning outcomes. As her blog post mentions The Coherence Principle could have been used more effectively in the Ted Talk. I like the way Beth specifically points out the unnecessary addition of the clicking sound effect as this shows propper knowledge about the learning principle and gives the reader a clear example of what she means. I wonder if maybe the blog post could have used a small summary of the Ted Talks main points, but overall the use of the learning theories and learning principles make for a great analysis of the video. The formatting of the blog post is clear and all the key points of the video analysis are separated into sections which make for a great read!
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